Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pioneer Bible Translators

Pioneer Bible Translators Daily Prayer Guide

Sunday, May 24 – Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 24, Sunday: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8) Pray that every PBT missionary will dwell only on thoughts consistent with this Scripture. Pray for the will to banish all other thoughts.

May 25, Monday: Matt and Shelby Honig serve a Bible-less people group in Northern Eurasia. Thank God for relationships they are building as they focus on learning the local language. Pray that God will provide long-term visas. Pray that God will provide a teacher for their children Alec (12), Zhenya (10), Micah (9), Keegan (6), and Korah (5).

May 26, Tuesday: Recruits Caleb and Jackie Sellers desire to serve in West Africa. Thank God for sustaining them through the challenges of a rigorous graduate school schedule coupled with parenting their young children Jo (2) and Gabriel (1). Pray that God will provide all that is needed so they can begin French language school next January.

May 27, Wednesday: Pray that God will lead PBT to two new fields of service by the year 2012. Pray that He will raise up missionaries to serve in these places and that He will open doors for their ministries.

May 28, Thursday: Diane Miller is nearing the end of a short term of service in East Africa. Thank God for her ministry as she has taught the sons of PBT missionaries Brad and Tammie Harvey and Andy and Shonna Ingram this year. Pray that God will grant pleasant farewells as she leaves East Africa next month. Pray that she will quickly receive her residence visa for Papua New Guinea, where she desires to serve long-term.

May 29, Friday: PBT’s summer intern teams begin their pre-field orientation in Dallas, Texas, on Sunday. Thank God for all the ways He has already prepared each of the interns for the experiences they will have this summer. Pray for teachable spirits and for the ability to understand and remember what they most need to learn during their orientation. Pray for internship coordinators Nathan and Lindsay Davenport as they lead the interns through their orientation.

May 30, Saturday: Janette Browning is seconded to PBT in order to serve as a literacy specialist in West Africa. Thank God for her ministry among the same people group served by PBT missionaries Jim and Karen Bettison. Pray that God will grant many opportunities to share Christ’s love with the people. Pray that He will grant success to her efforts to establish an ongoing literacy program for the women in her area.

Daily Prayer Guide (e-version), compiled by Eunice Herchenroeder, is a publication of PIONEER BIBLE TRANSLATORS

7500 West Camp Wisdom Road · Dallas, TX 75236 · Phone: 972-708-7460 · E-mail:

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