Sunday, May 3, 2009

ITALY FOR CHRIST MISSION (Serving in Italy Since 1971) Vol. 38 Spring 2009 No. 1

Looking back, we often wondered if many of you took the time to read the IFC newsletters. Those doubts vanished after we received a significant number of unsolicited responses concerning the up-coming change of formatting. Those who wrote or called, asked for the “old format” to remain. Some felt like they were losing an old friend. This valuable feedback came from people who don’t even know one another. So, for now, we will continue to squeeze God’s blessings into our reader friendly format so you can unpack them one by one. Your encouragement lifts our spirits and we are excited to share IFC’s latest adventures for God and His people.

Looking forward, we officially announce the kick-off of Phase I for remodeling the old farmhouse which will enhance all the activities of “Resources on the Horizons.” We feel exhilarated! For 13 years we have taken tiny steps together with you to reach our ultimate goal:
“to offer a refuge where people can come to be restored onto God’s path through God’s resources.”
Even during a global economic crisis, God still promises to supply His people to do His work for His glory and for the salvation of priceless souls. Thank you for your continued generosity and perseverance in prayer. The time to build is now!

40 Years of Faithfulness
Many times in the Old Testament God calls His people to look back and remember what He has done for them. This reminder serves two purposes: to highlight God’s faithfulness and to restore His people onto His path. After we remember, we are to make known God’s faithfulness by corporate celebration. These are crucial spiritual disciplines for churches today. As interim minister of the Francavilla Christian Church, I had the privilege to work with Jim, Sergio (our talented Worship Minister) and our precious wives Stephany, Caranita and Giulia to help organize a special event that did just this. The occasion came on the evening of December 28th as the congregation celebrated its 40th year anniversary with an evangelistic event that we called “40 Years of Faithfulness.” Eighty-six people attended the program, and half of these were non-Christians. Another 289 people participated by way of Internet through Evan TV.

I introduced the evening on the theme of God’s faithfulness and then the audience enjoyed a professional video of the history of the church at Francavilla. The images quickly allowed us to see the results of God leading key leaders for forty years. As I watched the old black and white pictures of missionaries and Italians who worked hand in hand to lay the foundation, my mind returned to the Old Testament and to the faithful “Calebs” and “Joshuas” that God used after years of faithfulness. At the conclusion of the video, we honored the many years of faithful Christian service of some of our members. Jim and Caranita Wolsieffer, along with Anna Italiano and Mimino Nardelli were presented with certificates. Their lives display louder than words how their complete trust relies on God, through the saving grace of Jesus Christ by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Then just as Israel in the Old Testament celebrated God’s faithfulness, so did we. The second part of the evening consisted of a beautiful Gospel Concert with Italian Christian singer, Giorgio Ammirabile, accompanied at the keyboard by European Jazz soloist, Michele Papadia. By singing and playing Gospel songs, the musicians captivated the participation of the audience who joyfully sang along and clapped to the beat. I observed a special glow on people’s faces as they enthusiastically commented on the beauty of the program. Many of the non Christians were in tears and lingered longer to chat. This involvement confirmed to us once again that Italians crave intimate relationships.

By remembering and celebrating God’s faithfulness in an evangelistic way, we had some immediate results. Every guest received a gift bag which included: a Bible, a magnetic reminder of God’s faithfulness, a booklet with the history and beliefs of the congregation as well as the testimonies of the members, and a letter that I wrote explaining what it means to us to love and serve a faithful God. The ex-mayor (who is also our family doctor) and his wife attended the program that evening and received a gift bag. About 10 days later, we went to him for a doctor’s visit. His first words were, “Thanks to you and your concert I am reading the Bible for the first time in my life. Fascinating. I have some questions, but for now I am discovering things that I never knew.” One of my best friends also attended the program. He was so touched by what he saw and experienced that he came to me afterwards and said that he wants to start studying the Bible together. It is our prayer and earnest desire that God will continue to use us to bring them and others like them into a personal relationship with Christ.
We are so excited about what God has in store for the next 40 years for this congregation. Our prayer remains the same: may He find us all faithful as we contemplate and share the beauty and inspiring truth of God’s faithfulness.
“Rebuilder of Walls, Restorer of Homes”
The past 13 years of experience has helped us clarify our vision for restoring families and rebuilding walls (Isaiah 58:12). We now present to you in condensed form our philosophy of ministry since we are ready to build on this foundation for “Resources on the Horizon.”

We believe that the Christian family is a miniature church. Thus, any teaching that takes place in the church needs to see its application first and foremost in the life of family members at home. We are aware, however, that the application of spiritual truths in the home finds many obstacles. Family members with good intentions are confused and discouraged when their beliefs, values, and lifestyle do not coincide. Our understanding of family dynamics allows us to walk along side these families and encourage them to tear down the thick walls of pretense and rebuild their walls with God’s building materials of grace and sanctification. Christ-like families produce spiritual leaders who guide mature churches into effective church planting.

We further believe that those same dynamics that bring much unhappiness in Christian families are also present in non-Christian families. Experience has demonstrated that when we offer similar assistance to non-Christian families we have the unique opportunity to enter a very private and sacred ground of the soul, where people are hurt and broken. By allowing us to bring some healing to those families, God is calling them by name, courting them, and saying “Taste and see how good I am.” Families touched by grace and love produce hunger for the Healer.

The Center provides The Place where Christians and non-Christians can die to the image that separates their beliefs, values, and lifestyles and experience grace, love, and transformation of their relationships with Jesus Christ and others.
Over the years with your help we have taken baby steps toward improving the Center. The greater vision in our hearts and the prayer on our lips was to have the financial means to rebuild the upstairs and remodel downstairs to create the very first Family Life Center for the Christian Churches in Italy.

The Woodlawn Christian Church in Knoxville, TN caught the vision of how improved facilities gives us the opportunity to expand our outreach. During their annual GlobalFest they raised $25,000 to give “concreteness” to our vision and prayers! Their very generous offering allows us to proceed with the initial stage of the project which includes a registered contract with our landlord, official blueprints to present to city hall, and a new roof on the upstairs. During Phase Two we plan to remodel the downstairs area while Phase Three will involve all the details for completing the upstairs. The proposed project foresees 4 or 5 bedrooms, a counseling office, 2 counseling rooms, a play therapy area, a large family area, a game room, a new kitchen, and a combined conference-dining room. After the architect gives us the blueprints, we will be able to provide more details on estimated costs and an approximate timetable for the various phases.

WANT TO HELP? Remember as you help build up the walls to the Center, you are contributing to the spiritual restoration of homes.

Stephany produced a Powerpoint presentation entitled Rebuilder of Walls, Restorer of Homes. We will send copies of this program to all of our churches and supporters by the end of April. If you do not receive one, but are interested, please contact us by e-mail. We are very much aware of the financial difficulties facing all of us. That being said, let’s not doubt what God still does with the prayer of ONE righteous man and the planting of ONE small seed, especially in times of need.
Any donations for the building project need to be made payable toItaly for Christ Mission, designated Rebuilder of Walls

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