Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pioneer Bible Translators Daily Prayer Guide

Sunday, May 10 – Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 10, Sunday: "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (Colossians 2:6-7) Pray that every PBT missionary will remain deeply rooted in Christ. Pray for faith that sustains in every situation and for lives characterized by thankfulness.

May 11, Monday: Wynell LeCroy is in West Africa teaching the children of Yancy and Sherry Fariss for a few months. Thank God for Wynell’s desire to invest her 40 years of experience as a teacher in order to facilitate Bible translation and church growth. Pray for smooth transitions into living in Africa. Pray for good rapport with students Sarah (10), William (8), and Rex (5) as well as with Yancy, Sherry, and Debra (1).

May 12, Tuesday: Julie Rohrer serves as Executive Assistant at PBT’s International Service Center in Dallas, Texas. Thank God for strengthening her and protecting her from discouragement in the face of a never-ending flow of work. Pray that God will raise up additional volunteers with the right skills to take on some of Julie’s tasks. Pray that God will continue granting her joy as she serves.

May 13, Wednesday: Pray that God will expand the scope of PBT’s recruitment efforts so that churches in other countries will be mobilized to send out missionaries to minister to Bible-less people groups. Pray that God will prepare PBT to become a multi-national team.

May 14, Thursday: Bethaney Butler desires to serve in Papua New Guinea. Thank God for the prayer and financial partnerships He has provided her. Pray that the balance she needs will be provided quickly so that she can arrive in Papua New Guinea this summer.

May 15, Friday: PBT missionaries in Northern Eurasia are developing a prayer book with 38 psalms in the language of the people they serve. Thank God for progress in translating and checking these psalms. Pray that God will lead Matt and Tammy Grinn to local artists who can provide illustrations to accompany the psalms in this prayer book. Pray that the book, when published, will deepen the people’s desire for God and create hunger for New Testament scriptures in their language.

May 16, Saturday: Rondal and Janice Smith serve on the training team at PBT’s International Service Center in Dallas, Texas. Thank God for the many ways they bless others as they help future missionaries and their children prepare to live and minister overseas. Pray that God will continue strengthening and enabling them to serve.

Daily Prayer Guide (e-version), compiled by Eunice Herchenroeder, is a publication of PIONEER BIBLE TRANSLATORS

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