Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pioneer Bible Translators Daily Prayer Guide

Sunday, May 3 – Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 3, Sunday: “In your name I will hope, for your name is good.” (Psalm 52:9b) Pray that every PBT missionary will place their hope in the name - the character - of the Lord. Pray that they will rest in His promises and His faithfulness when facing challenges and disappointments.

May 4, Monday: Lori Witham serves as a typesetter in Papua New Guinea. Thank God for enabling her to typeset the book of Acts recently in both the Ap Ma and Akukem languages using a new suite of software tools. Pray that she will become increasingly comfortable using this software as she faces larger typesetting jobs in the future. Pray for sweet times of fellowship with family and financial partners during her current two-month home assignment.

May 5, Tuesday: Marty and Tina Ganong serve a Bible-less people group in West Africa. Thank God for progress in translating and checking the book of Acts. Pray for protected and productive work time for Marty, his closest African co-worker, and the village teams involved in comprehension checking. Pray that they will accomplish all that is necessary in order to publish Acts this summer. Praythat Tina and daughters Heather (12) and Laura (9) will make good progress in home school while also enjoying opportunities to spend time with their village friends.

May 6, Wednesday: This summer PBT missionaries plan to conduct two significant training programs: one in East Africa for mother-tongue Bible translators and the other in Papua New Guinea for mother-tongue literacy teachers. Thank God for the men and women who serve their own people as translators and literacy workers, often with little tangible support from the communities they serve. Pray that God will provide the funds needed to cover transportation, food, facilities, and course materials so that both these training programs can take place.

May 7, Thursday: Sandra Schofield serves as project manager for PBT in Southeast Asia and also fills administrative roles for a partner organization. Thank God for continuing to encourage and empower Sandra as she serves. Pray that God will continually grant His wisdom to Sandra. Pray that He will shine in all her relationships.

May 8, Friday: PBT desires to respond to an invitation to equip mother-tongue speakers to translate Scripture into some of the 105 languages spoken in Vanuatu. Gregory and Rondy Ohrenberg will pioneer this new ministry. Pray that God will raise up translation and literacy facilitators and Scripture impact specialists to serve in Vanuatu.

May 9, Saturday: Gerald and Ruth Denny provide leadership to PBT’s worldwide missionary care team. Thank God with them for those who serve alongside them on this team. Thank God for granting Gerald and Ruth the spiritual, mental, and physical stamina to serve in this vital role. Pray that God will continue enabling them to serve and providing for their needs.

Daily Prayer Guide (e-version), compiled by Eunice Herchenroeder, is a publication of PIONEER BIBLE TRANSLATORS

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