Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Update on the death of Saleem's father

Due to the response we have had to yesterday's news about the death of Saleem's father in Nazareth and the efforts made to get Saleem home in time for the funeral, I thought I should send an update so everyone would know what's going on.

First, Saleem made it home just a few hours ago, and he was in time only because the family decided to delay the funeral until tomorrow to be sure he would be there. Unfortunately, his luggage is still in New York, but that's a very minor thing and Saleem seemed in strong spirits when I heard from him as he traveled from the Tel Aviv airport to Nazareth.

Amazingly, on all the combinations of airlines we searched, there was only one seat left that would get to Israel in time so I didn't get to go with him, and I felt awful watching Saleem go through security by himself at the Orlando airport. it seemed to be the picture of loneliness for someone on such a journey.

When I called his wife Andera to tell her he was on the plane, and to apologize for not being with him, she was very much at peace and assured me that she was content that the time alone would be used wisely between Saleem and God. Then my wife Bobbi this morning reminded me that it was 16 years ago yesterday that I had to travel 18 hours by myself to get back to my family after the unexpected death of my brother, and I suddenly knew what Andera was talking about.

So we thank God today for what He is doing in the presence of our human griefs, and what He is preparing in advance for us to do.

And we thank him for the amazing life of Saleem's father Suhail, and his legacy of ministry in Israel. I just learned today that Suhail had worked with Chuck Colson's prison fellowship ministries in Israeli prisons holding Palestinians. Suhail is survived by his wife Fida, two sons, Saleem and Fadi and daughter Samia.

In Him, for Them,
John W Samples
American Team Leader

P.S. One final note, and Saleem seems to think it was a direct intervention of God... The seat that was the only one left between Orlando and Tel Aviv turned out to be in first class. Saleem says the accommodations went a long way to helping him be rested and ready for the tasks he must now take care of as the eldest son. I told him not to get used to it; I don't think any of us could sleep at those prices if it wasn't an emergency;-]

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