Sunday, April 26, 2009

Letter dated February 18, 2009 from Christian HolyLand Foundation

Dear Friends at Cornerstone,

Saleem and I are looking forward to our visit in Deltona in April. Thank you for your continued faithfulness to the work of planting churches in Israel.

You may have seen this in our monthly Team Reports, but allow me to share with you a recent note from Ibrahim and Ekhlas about some of the activities resulting from the $6,000 in special benevolence gifts given by folks like you as an extra help this past Christmas:

We made many special visits during the Christmas season. We entered their homes, shared a devotional thought about Christmas, the incarnation, unconditional love, the meaning of giving as the heavenly Father sent His only Son to our earth. We rejoiced together and we believe that our Lord also rejoiced. We also gave them a financial gift from the Christmas funds you sent; a man from Nazareth, we helped to pay his electrical bill which he didn't know how he was going to pay; we helped a widow from Cana who has three sons, the oldest is 11 years old, to buy a heater to keep her children protected from the cold of winter. We also gave an amount to a a young man who is serving the Lord and is going through a difficult and embarassing financial time. He thanks the Lord and said that now he can buy clothes for his children and chocolate for Christmas. Thank you dear brothers and sisters who are supporting this work, for you are the reason for the smile on the faces of many needy people today in Israel.

In Him, for them,
John W. Samples
U.S Team Leader

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