Thursday, April 30, 2009

Central Florida Pregnancy Center, Inc

April 28, 2009

Dear Pastor and Congregation,

Thank you for your recent gift to this very important ministry. Your support is vital to our ability to offer hope to women and teens facing unplanned pregnancies.

Spring has arrived and nature hints at the glory of resurrection! Praise be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ for so great a salvation!

By God's grace the Center has been open a whole month! We had forty client visits, ministering hope in the face of uncertainty and offering powerful reasons to choose life. Please plan to "walk for life" on May 2nd. We desperately need the funding to pay for our rent and overhead. For information, or to request a pledge form, call the Center at: 386-574-5894.

These are the hours we are open: Mon. & Weds. 9:30-1:30 and Tues. 12-8pm.

Thank you for giving, praying and serving!

Purposely Pro-life,

Jessica Errico

Executive Director

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