Arm-in-Arm with Believers in Israel and throughout the Holy Land since 1984
“...You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." Acts 1:8
These words of Christ, spoken to his apostles just before He ascended to be with his Father in Heaven, have been true through generations of Missions that have taken the Gospel to–quite literally–the uttermost parts of the earth. In the next passage of Acts, two men suddenly stood alongside these witnesses and asked, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky?” Jesus’ earthly ministry was done. Now it was time for the people he brought to Himself to get about the task of taking the Good News to Israel and beyond. In the nearly 2,000 years since that moment, the land to which Christ first brought his message of peace and salvation has not received the Gospel in proportion to the rest of the world.
Today, the number of believing Christians (as opposed to political Christians) in Israel is probably the least it has been since the first century; estimates suggest only about 10,000 would claim to know Jesus as their personal savior.
In 2005, the Christian HolyLand Foundation (CHLF) came alongside a group of twelve modern-day Galileeans who had begun asking questions about their Christian faith. They sought to return to the New Testament model of the early church, and to teach the Gospel in churches and homes along the very paths and in the same communities where Jesus first taught.
CHLF has been active in Israel since the 1980s. Our mission is now focused on this group in Galilee, where they are reaching the lost, teaching believers, training leaders, forming home churches and working toward new church plants. The Israeli Team members are all Israeli by nationality, Arab by heritage, and Christians by the grace of God. They reach out to all peoples in their communities, and respond with the Love of Christ to all that God places before them.
Each family receives a full-time salary from CHLF so that they can give their full attention to the work God has prepared for them. The investment of time and resources in this work is significant as the cost of living in Israel is comparable to much of the United States. This is a challenging work, and enormously rewarding. On behalf of Bishara and Randa, Saleem and Andera, Hanna and Lina, Hani and Shifa, Elias and Rose, Ibrahim and Ekhlass, and all their children that will be the next generation of preachers and teachers, thank you for your prayers and financial support.
For more information about the work of the Christian HolyLand Foundation, Inc., visit the website at:
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