Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Roger & Laura's March News Letter

March was a very busy and hectic month Glory to God. As always I must start out this report with Gratitude and Thanks. Your prayers and support helped make the month of March a victorious battle for the Lord. We have had salvation's, baptism, and people being united in Marriage in the sight of God. And of course the Chaplain getting shot a few times by some saved and unsaved Yankees, but Thank God for Resurrection. As the enemy tried to attack us on the west coast of Florida and this Chaplain and his wife were called over to Crystal River to minister to the good people. The weather was perfect and we had our ministry camp set up by Friday early afternoon. Saturday afternoon the enemy attacked and it was a hard fight. But some of the best ministering is done on the battle field, reading Scripture and praying for the soldiers. Many are hearing Scripture verses for the first time in their lives. Think about that. Many of these people never step in a Church. Many have never read any of the Bible, Here in America! We as Christians take it for granted when we read Scripture. But, there are many I read to, who have Never Ever read Isaiah, Psalms, or James. They couldn't even tell you that those books are in the Bible. An then....They hear it for the very first time in their lives, some being in their fifties. And they lay there, and hear God's Word. And He moves, I can see it in some of their faces because they are listening. And then it's off to the next person and the next. God is Amazing at where and how He works.

Saturday evening, I was blessed to perform a wedding service in camp under the large oaks for William and Donna Cobb. There were just great and we had fun and so did Jesus. I pray that they will be blessed together. They both know the Lord and both go to the same church that Laura and I attend. At least when I get to go to Church.

Sunday morning was beautiful and we had a great time for worship and church under those same large oaks because they are everywhere. We had 85 come to services and my message was "When God Departs". Can He? He has before, will He? Again, He has before in peoples lives. Deny Him long enough, deny He exists long enough. Keep kicking Him out of our schools and court houses long enough. Keep living your lives as if He doesn't exist long enough. And then have the nerve to say where was God when something goes wrong. One person gave their heart to the Lord that morning and one more re-dedicated their life to Him. Thank you God!

The following weekend it was off to Ft. Clinch in Fernandina Beach Florida. Saturday I wa there with Bud Bonifay letting the men know that we were there and had the chance to minister some, then it was back to Bud & Sue's home in Jacksonville for the night and then up early Sunday morning to head back to the fort. We figured that we would have about 15 in attendance but instead we had 48. It was so neat because we had more civilians than soldiers. They thought I guess, for some fire and brimstone acting preacher, SURPRISE....They got Jesus and no one complained. I preached the same message as the week before since it was a new group of people. We had no salvation's, but an invitation was given. I will always do that. But the harvest is not mine to take. I'm just a planter and sower of a living, breathing Seed. What a great time it was to be in the company of hungry Americans.

This past weekend it was off to the Battle of Narcoossee Mills. We got there about 1:00 Friday afternoon and got set up around 3:00. From then on our tent fly never seemed to be empty. I did get off by myself with Petra for 2 hours in the woods. Just me, my God, my Bible and my dog. And I didn't want to come out of the woods. I don't get to spend much time like that with God. I did my Bible reading out loud to my dog and she listened of course and my praying was to God and He listened of course. I was honored to perform a wedding for Steve & Debra Simkins on Saturday evening. Earlier that day was a hard battle with the Yankees and the whooped us pretty bad, in fact they shot me to pieces, but not until the end, so no one missed any Scriptures. I always make sure of that. I ain't dying until I'm done reading.

Sunday morning it was raining pretty hard for Church, so we had to have it under a pavilion, but still 106 came in the rain to hear the Word. The message was "Peters Threes", we had a young lady who is not even a re-enactor give her heart to Jesus that great wet morning. It is kind of funny but lately spectators are giving their hearts to the Lord also. They come to see what is going on and walk out saved. God is so Awesome. But these are Americans too and ready or not here He comes. Then after church, I was honored to renew the wedding vows of 20 years for Bob & Carolyn Giese. They became the ministers, because they showed the people that marriage can work. They know that it is not 50/50 but both give 100%. And then we walked directly into the lake, Jesus, Bob, Carolyn & I and I baptized them in that cold water. But that cold water jut couldn't out do the blessing that we all received that wet morning. And now I am going to close but not before I say thank you again for making this all possible. You have been an obvious blessing to many people and I love you for it, and one day many people are going to be thanking you. Laura & I pray you will be super blessed for caring so much about what God is doing on the outside of the church walls and for covering us on the Battle Line. We love you, We pray for you and We Thank You!

I remain in His Service,

Chaplain Roger

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