Monday, April 27, 2009

Great services yesterday!

What a wonderful day of worship, encouragement and learning today! We are thankful that John W. Samples came and shared about the Arab Christians. We are blessed to learn how some of the earliest Christians from Pentecost were Arabs--Acts 2:11. Of the 12 members of the CHLF teams, at least half can trace their ancestors back for a thousand years! And to top it off, their ancestors have lived in the same town that they live in today! And to really top it off, their ancestors have been Christians for as long as they remember. So it may well be that their ancestors were in the crowd on Pentecost.

If you attended first service, you heard the audio but not the video of Saleem. Second service we were privileged to hear both audio and video. If you want to watch the videos, then check out below on

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