Saturday, April 18, 2009

Great speakers coming to CCCC!

In addition to Marsha Relyea's (See blog from yesterday for Marsha's info) presentation to us this coming Wednesday, April 22nd, we are also excited to announce we will have two speakers from Christian HolyLand Foundation during our Sunday services on April 26th. We will hear both from John, who is the director of Christian HolyLand, as well as Saleem. Saleem lives in Nazareth and serves full-time with Christian Holyland. Below is the contents of email that Saleem sent to Nancy Capps who serves with the Mission Committee by supporting in prayer Saleem and his family:

Greetings from Nazareth Israel ,

It is very encouraging to hear and to know that there is someone praying for us and uplifting us and the Lord’s work in this country before the throne of God. You know, as Arabs we are the minority in this country; as Christians we are even a greater minority, and then as evangelical Arab Christians, we a third time minority … and to have brothers and sisters from the other side of the world knowing about us, and praying for us is a powerful encouragement..

Thank you, and please convey our thanks to our brothers and sisters in your church, who support us and pray for us. We would love to have you come and visit us and worship the Lord with us, so please accept our invitation and let us know when you come to Israel . May God bless you and fill you with His love and peace.

Wishing you a merry Christmas from the holy land and specifically from Nazareth , the hometown of Jesus.

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