Tuesday, April 28, 2009

February 2009 Central Brazil Mission newsletter

Welcome to our first edition of the C.B.M. electronic newsletter. After spending the entire year of 2008 in the U.S. on furlough, we were glad to get back home. We only had about two weeks to get readjusted and ready for our first Amazon Boat Ministry trip. We had a very good trip with a FAME team led by Lonnie Burley. Earl had two sisters that came as a part of the team. There are U.S. church teams confirmed for trips to help us until 2012, and two months of that year are already confirmed as well.

Marlon and Yara did a great job last year leading our C.B.M. Ministry that included six Amazon boat trips. Marlon will be visiting mission teams and committees from some of our supporting churches in September or October with one of our C.B.M. Trustees.

If you have prayed for us, financially supported us, participated or will participate on an Amazon boat mission trip or however you have partnered with us, we say thank you. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to friends and family. Our desire is to keep our partners updated as to what C.B.M. is doing and how your prayers are being answered.

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SAVE THIS DATE: JULY 25, 2009 - Earl and Ruth Anne will be celebrating two anniversaries on July 25.

1). 40th year in Brazil as missionaries.

2). 50th wedding anniversary.

The 40/50 Celebration will be at the Georgetown, Ohio Church of Christ on Saturday, July 25.

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1). Have very successful Amazon Boat Ministry Trips each month. (12 groups confirmed for 2009 and also 12 for 2010).

2). Build 3 or 4 new village churches and provide national leaders for each of them.

3). To begin construction early in the year on our new medical boat. Plans are to start construction in March. (Still needing about $500,000).

4). To begin a new work in Barcelos, Amazonas up the Rio Negro about 50 hours from Manaus. (Have invitation from the mayor and 2 doctors to begin working in their hospital and in the county).

5). To have definite plans in progress for the music department at our Bible college with Rafael as director.

6). Two or three more new churches in the central Brazil region.

7). Marlon visiting some of our supporting churches in September or October.

8). Have some increase in our regular monthly support because of the low exchange rate of the dollar in Brazil. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Visit our website: www.cbm.org.br


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