Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pioneer Bible Translators Daily Prayer Guide

Sunday, June 21– Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 21, Sunday: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”(Ephesians 4:29) Pray that the speech of PBT missionaries will be free of unwholesome talk. Pray that their words will build up and benefit those who hear them speak.

June 22, Monday: Marsha Relyea Miles leads PBT’s church mobilization team while continuing her involvement in the translation of the Old Testament for the Aruamu people of Papua New Guinea. Thank God for enabling Marsha to spend six weeks in Papua New Guinea this summer. Pray that God will grant her rich interactions with the Aruamu people. Pray for good progress as she and the Aruamu team check the book of Genesis.

June 23, Tuesday: Steve Davis serves on the finance team at PBT’s International Service Center in Dallas, Texas. Thank God for bringing Steve to PBT with his wealth of experience as the son of cross-cultural missionaries. Pray that God will enable him to quickly learn the intricate details of his job. Pray that God will grant him much joy as he serves.

June 24, Wednesday: PBT desires to grow so that we will be a team of at least 261 adults by the end of this year and a team of at least 385 adults by 2012. Pray that God will raise up men and women to join us in taking His Word to Bible-less people groups. Pray for PBT’s recruitment team as they interact with potential new missionaries and assist them in exploring the ministry opportunities open to them in PBT.

June 25, Thursday: Pete and Amy Riley desire to serve in West Africa. Thank God for the ministry they have had at our International Service Center, with Pete leading our support services team and Amy involved in hospitality. Thank God for providing so that they can begin French school in Canada in late August. Pray for smooth transitions as they close out their time in Texas and move to Canada. Pray that they and their children Emma (14), Abel (11), and Sophia (9) will adjust well to their temporary home in Canada. Pray for God’s protection on their sons Spencer (18) and Ethan (17), who will remain in the U.S.

June 26, Friday: PBT missionaries in East Africa are preparing for their next annual translation training course. Thank God for the opportunity to further train East African men and women who are already serving their own people as mother-tongue Bible translators. Thank God for providing facilities and funding so that this course can be conducted. Pray that God will orchestrate all the remaining details before the course begins on July 20.

June 27, Saturday: Scott and Kathy Graves serve at PBT’s International Service Center in Dallas, Texas. Thank God for Scott’s ministry as Personnel Officer and Kathy’s as Director of the Media Arts Communication (MAC) team. Pray that God will enable Scott to serve well in this newly-created role, shaping it in ways that position PBT to accommodate the growth God is bringing us. Pray that Kathy will thrive in her leadership of the MAC team as she also home schools their children Andrew (9), Mikaela (8), Miriam (8), and Emily (3).

Daily Prayer Guide (e-version), compiled by Eunice Herchenroeder, is a publication of PIONEER BIBLE TRANSLATORS

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