Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pioneer Bible Translators Daily Prayer Guide

Sunday, June 14 – Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 14, Sunday: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, . . . set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:1,2) Pray that PBT missionaries will truly set their minds on spiritual realities rather than focusing on their physical circumstances. Pray that they will have a Kingdom-focused perspective when they face challenges and disappointments.

June 15, Monday: Shannon Haynie ministers in Northern Eurasia. Thank God for her new apartment, which allows her to live in a village among the people she serves. Pray that God will open doors for her to build relationships with her new neighbors. Pray that these relationships will lead to opportunities to study the Bible with them. Pray for wisdom as she works on John’s epistles with mother-tongue translators.

June 16, Tuesday: Recruit Christina Friesen was introduced to Bible translation when she met PBT missionaries in Africa during a college mission trip. Thank God for using this experience, combined with her experiences as the daughter of missionaries, to draw her into PBT’s ministry. Pray that God will direct her steps as she seeks to move to Dallas to receive training for ministry as a Bible translator.

June 17, Wednesday: PBT personnel in Southeast Asia will soon gather for a strategic planning meeting. Pray for safe international travel. Pray that their time together will be productive as they prayerfully plan and prepare for the future. Pray that God will grant much fruit as they minister under challenging circumstances.

June 18, Thursday: Beth Ramos has just arrived in West Africa to serve as a literacy specialist. Thank God for enabling her to serve. Pray for smooth transitions to living and ministering in Africa. Pray that God will prepare the way for her to begin her literacy ministry later this year. Pray that God will enable her to quickly learn the basics of the branch’s bookkeeping system so she can serve in this role while bookkeeper Barb Temminck takes a short home assignment with her family.

June 19, Friday: Summer internships provide opportunity for young men and women to discover first-hand how their gifts and interests can be invested in long-term ministry as Bible translators, literacy specialists, Scripture impact facilitators, and in a host of administrative and technical roles. Thank God for our summer intern teams in East Africa, Papua New Guinea, and West Africa. Pray for good health and for physical and spiritual safety as they serve. Pray that they will establish meaningful relationships with the people they meet and that they will make enduring contributions to the ministry of their missionary hosts.

June 20, Saturday: Jill Riepe plans to serve as a translation advisor among the Ap Ma people of Papua New Guinea. Thank God for Jill’s successful completion of the Pacific Orientation Course. Pray for wisdom as she begins learning the Ap Ma language and culture and building relationships with the people. Pray for a good working relationship with mother-tongue Bible translator Maso Leko.

Daily Prayer Guide (e-version), compiled by Eunice Herchenroeder, is a publication of PIONEER BIBLE TRANSLATORS

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