Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pioneer Bible Translators Daily Prayer Guide

Sunday, June 7 – Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 7, Sunday: “With Your blood You purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” (Revelation 5:9b) Thank God that His salvation is for everyone. Pray that God will continue enabling PBT to proclaim His Word among Bible-less people groups.

June 8, Monday: PBT is conducting a seminar for current and prospective forwarding agents today. Thank God for the men and women who serve as forwarding agents for PBT mission-aries. Pray that God will continue to bless the sacrificial giving of their time and talents. Pray that today’s seminar will both equip and encourage all who attend.

June 9, Tuesday: PBT is hosting a seminar today for the parents of current and future PBT missionaries. Thank God for the parents who release their children and grandchildren to serve overseas. Pray that today’s seminar will be a source of encouragement to them as they share their joys and struggles as parents and grandparents of cross-cultural missionary families.

June 10, Wednesday: PBT’s semi-annual Board of Directors meeting began yesterday and continues today. Thank God for the men and women who contribute their professional expertise and spiritual insights to PBT by serving on our board. Pray for wisdom and discernment in the decisions they are making.

June 11, Thursday: Several PBT missionaries have completed their training and are ready to begin cross-cultural ministry as soon as they have the needed prayer and financial partnerships. Pray that doors of opportunity will be opened for them to talk with churches and individuals about their ministries. Pray that they will experience God’s abundant provision.

June 12, Friday: Pioneer Mission Institute ends this afternoon. Thank God for the ways He has begun moving in the hearts of some of the students this week. Thank God for those who have decided to pursue long-term service with PBT. Pray that God will affirm them in this decision as they take their next steps forward. Pray that other PMI students whom God is leading into service with PBT will be obedient to His call on their lives in the months ahead.

June 13, Saturday: Samantha Mero serves as a Bible translator in West Africa. Thank God for breakthroughs in learning the language of the people among whom she ministers. Pray for continued progress in her language and culture acquisition. Pray that the church in this area will stand united and strong in the face of opposition and persecution.

Daily Prayer Guide (e-version), compiled by Eunice Herchenroeder, is a publication of PIONEER BIBLE TRANSLATORS

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