Thursday, December 4, 2008

Email from Phil Smith

Supporters of the Prison Ministry in South Africa,

The following is a recent update from the Eastern Cape Director of Hope Prison Ministry in South Africa (Richard Gallant). I thought that I might pass it along to you as he gives several specific prayer requests. This has been a very demanding year as he is now directing the prison ministry without my direct involvement and guidance. It sounds like several individuals and churches have come on board to help in the work. They have also added an additional prison; the first women’s prison that we have been able to work within so far. Thank you for your continual prayer and financial support on behalf of Hope Prison Ministry!

Happy Holidays from our family to you!

Phil Smith

From: Richard Gallant
Sent: 03 December 2008 04:11 AM
Subject: Prison Ministry Report

Dear Brothers In Christ & Prayer Partners

Greetings in the Name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. We are still well thanks to God our Father. It is a Great honor for me to report to you about the ministry in the Eastern Cape at the close of 2008.

All the correctional Centres involved in the Christian Faith & Lifeskills Programme have written their final exam. All activities including Religious Programmes are stop from 17 December untill the 8 January 2009. This is for security reasons to safegtuard the inmates and to minimize the risk of inmates escaping.

We will be having our closing exercise on the 16 December or at a date suitable for the communication officer at the East London Centre. I did commit an amout of R 250 for the programme of the day.

The closing exercise of the Stutterheim Centre has been postponed untill the 15 january 2009 when the Chaplain will be able to attend. I also committed an amount of R 150 to help with preparations of the day.

New Work
As from February 2009 we will be involved with Meduim C at the East London Correctional Centre. I hope that the women of the Mdantsane Church Of christ will keep their commitment to get involved as they indicated.

The Zwelitsha & Dimbaza churches has committed themselves to make some leaders available to visit the Kingwilliamstown Centre every Sunday.

The authorities at Mdantsane & East London have objected that I take photos of inmates but they can take the photos and provide me with copies. I`m still busy discusing with the security personell and their communication officer.

Prayer Request
We need prayers for the Work in the Eastern Cape
We need prayers for the volunteers that work alongside me in the prisons
We need prayers so that more people can commit themselves to the programme
We need prayers so that human & Financial resources be made available
We need prayers for me and my family so that we can stay focus

We are looking forward for the visit from Brother Phil Smith in 2009 in the Eastern Cape. We want to THANK our PRAYER PARTNERS and the different people that supported us during 2008. We are looking forward for that same type of support in 2009. Without your financial support this project is doom to fail.

Yours in the Ministry
Brother Richard

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