Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Online event from Italy for Christ

This letter is to invite you to participate in the 40th year anniversary celebration of the Francavilla Christian Church in Italy where Stephany and I serve as part of our ministries.
This coming Sunday at 12:30 p.m. TN time (lunch time) please join us live online on www.evantv.netand watch the 40th year anniversary of this wonderful congregation. The program will have alittle introduction, a 30 minutes film about the history of the church and then a Christian Concert. many of you often ask videos or pictures of our ministries; we thought this is the best chance you might have to see it live, to participate online with the event and interact with us.
In the hope that you will take advantage to watch some of the faces that are impacted by our ministries we wish you a wonderful Christmas and a very blessed 2009.
As you continually bless us, we hope this event will bless you. Please make sure to pass information to your Missions Committee members and to your congregation.
We look forward to see you online live this coming Sunday.
For Christ in Italy,
Gianni, Stephany, Anyssa and Raffaele Bruno

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