Sunday, November 16, 2008

Email from Vivert Lall from Mid-Indian Christian Mission

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for your continual prayers for the situation in the state of Orissa. In the past few days, we haven't heard of any major incident of atrocity on Christians, but again we have gotten negative news. One of my friends has sent an article on persecution on Christians that was printed in the U.S. some of you might have already read it, if, not, I am attaching it.

About 35 miles from one of our Churches in Birmaal, extremists went to a Christian orphanage there on Friday, October 24, 2008. A Christian lady, Rajni Manjhi was there as its care-taker. They asked her to come out. Extremists were looking for the owner of that place. When they could not find out about him, they set the kitchen on fire, tied the hand and legs of Rajni, covered and tied her head with a plastic bag and threw her into the fire. She was burnt alive.

There is no single week that goes without an incident of atrocity on Christians in Orissa. The effect is now seen in our state as well. About five days back, a Church was set ablaze at Tikamgarh, a place about 85 miles from us.

I want to thank people who have supported us to help the victims here. We were able to help the evangelist and some of the family who have gone through this. Acts of persecution continue and so do the needs of these people. In next two months, November and December, we are planning to do further relief work and would be targeting majority of the families who have lost someone in the family and Christian families from our Churches who have been directly affected by persecution. If any of you still wish to support the mission in helping the families you may do so.

Thanks for your continual prayers for the situation here in India.


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