Saturday, December 13, 2008

Team of 10 sent to Orissa to do relief work

Dear friends, supporters, and prayer warriors of Vivert Lall and Mid-India Christian Mission -

Vivert just called me from India at 12:20 PM EST today (12/11/28) to ask for prayer support for their team that is on a train at Damoh to go to the state of Orissa to do relief work among persecuted Christians there. Christians and their evangelists have been arrested on charges that they are causing people to be converted to Christianity. Church buildings and homes of Christians have been burned. Some Christians are living in refugee camps and all of them live in a state of uncertainty, some hiding out in forest areas.

A group of four from Damoh have preceded Vivert and his team of six who are on their way now. Vivert's children, Monica and Lae, are staying with their grandparents in Damoh, and Neelam will go on the train as far as Jabalpur, where her parents live. Vivert's team will divide up and go to different places in Orissa, working mostly at night and in the early morning to avoid confrontations.

Please pray for courage and safety for all the Christians involved, for the alleviation of distress, for enlightenment and moderation for the unruly persecutors and the police who turn blind eyes to the violence against God-fearing people.

Vivert says the team plans to stay approximately seven days. He promises a report on their return.

Thanks for your prayerful response to this news.

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