Monday, August 18, 2008

Mid-India update

August 6, 2008

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for your prayers for the building situation. Many of you have responded by email and we want you all to know where we presently stand. The matter has gone before the High Court. equivalent to your State Supreme Court and they have issued a stay on the orders that local government officials have issued to seize the building. We will be pleading our case at the court. It may take weeks, months or even a few years before any decision is made. The process can be slow in civil matters in India. Local officials have altered most of the title records in their favor so we are doing our best to get some documentation to prove otherwise. I do not know how successful we will be in producing everything that the court may require since much of this will not be in our hands. I am reassured at least that things are no longer in the hands of local politicians and are now in court. This is an election year in India as well as for our state so we are hopeful that our government will change and the new one will be more tolerant towards Christianity. We have employed the best available attorneys and they are positive they will get us some favorable judgment.

Since the imminent threat has passed and we are waiting to be scheduled for hearing our case, we have taken the opportunity to come to the United States for a brief trip. We will be in Illinois for a few weeks and in Georgia for a limited time, to mainly meet with our Board of Directors. Thank you again for your prayers for the situation and for the Lord's work in India. He is faithful.

In His Service,

Vivert and Neelam Lall

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